If you have recently become unemployed in Pennsylvania, it is likely that you are very stressed about where your next paycheck is coming from. While it is likely that you are looking for new employment, you may also want to look into the possibility of seeking unemployment compensation.
Unemployment compensation is available to certain former workers here in Pennsylvania. You are likely to qualify if you are currently available to work and are actively looking for another job, if you were unemployed because of something that was not your fault and if you were earning a certain amount in the past.
How much unemployment compensation can I receive if I qualify?
If you qualify for workers’ compensation, the amount of unemployment compensation that you will receive will depend on the amount that you were earning in your previous work. You will earn around 50 percent of the average wages that you previously made, but payments will be capped at a maximum amount per week. You will also only be able to claim unemployment compensation for a maximum of 26 weeks.
In order to qualify for workers’ compensation in our state, you must also be able to show that you were earning a minimum amount of wages in the 18 weeks before you became unemployed.
If is important that you take action to seek the unemployment compensation that you deserve so that you do not suffer as much financially. In order to appeal an unemployment compensation denial, it is important that you understand the intricacies of the law. Learning about your rights and responsibilities under the law can streamline the process for you and make it easier for your claim to be approved.