Going After Employers Who Violate Wage And Overtime Laws
An Experienced Litigator Who Gets Things Done
If you are working, or have worked, more than 40 hours per week, our attorneys will find out if your job position is the type that entitles you to overtime pay. We can help you determine whether your employer owes you any overtime wages and, if necessary, take legal action against the employer to get you the wages due to you.
Further, it is common for an employee who is either laid off or discharged to still be owed wages by his employer at the date of layoff or discharge. You are entitled to those wages. If your employer fails to pay you, contact Shay, Santee, Kelhart & Deschler LLC to ensure that your rights are protected. We will not hesitate to aggressively litigate your case so that you obtain the relief to which you are legally entitled.
We Are Ready To Protect You, So Contact Us
Know your rights. State and federal laws offer a variety of protections to employees with respect to the wages owed to them. Do not let an employer take advantage of you and deny you the wages that the law requires to be paid to you. If you have any questions about your rights, contact Shay, Santee, Kelhart & Deschler LLC in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, today to schedule a consultation or call us at 610-295-5328.