Our Lawyers Understand The Details Of Custody Modification
Even if your present custodial arrangement is being governed by a court order, the law permits you to file a petition to modify that court order at any time. At Shay, Santee, Kelhart & Deschler LLC in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, we understand that, over time, a custodial arrangement that was once acceptable, or at least tolerable, may no longer be so.
You may file a modification petition even if the other parent has not violated the present custody order and even if there has not been a substantial change in circumstances since the entry of the previous custody order. If someone files a modification petition against you, the law allows you to file your own modification petition. What matters to the court is whether modifying the current custody arrangement is in the best interests of the child. Please see our section about Child Custody for additional information on how courts make awards of custody.
Resolving Disputes And Clarifying Custody Arrangements
Modifying a custodial arrangement can be as difficult and emotionally taxing as the process of determining the original custodial arrangement, if not more so. A parent who is content with his or her rights under the existing custodial arrangement may be reluctant to agree to any modification that would reduce the time he or she spends with the child. Additionally, a parent who wishes to move away with the child will need to ask the court to modify the existing custody arrangement when he or she asks the court to approve the petition for relocation. We provide representation to parents who wish to modify their current custody arrangement and to parents who believe that retaining the existing arrangement is in the best interests of their child.
As with any custody matter, we encourage our clients to try to amicably resolve their case with the other party, if possible. Often, both parents will agree that a change in the custody agreement will benefit their child. In most cases, a court will find that a child’s best interests are served by exposure to both parents. Nevertheless, sometimes litigation is unavoidable, and the experienced family law attorneys at Shay, Santee, Kelhart & Deschler LLC stand ready to take your custody case to trial to modify or preserve your existing custodial arrangement.
Contact An Experienced Child Custody Law Firm
For parents, nothing is more important than the well-being of their child. Every parent wants to ensure that their child’s best interests are served. We can help. The process of custody modification is complicated, and you will need an experienced child custody attorney to protect your rights and the rights of your child. The attorneys at Shay, Santee, Kelhart & Deschler LLC in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, know how to guide you. For a consultation, contact us online or call 610-295-5328.