No one should ever be made to feel guilty, alienated or punished as the result of making a complaint or engaging in whistleblowing in the workplace. This is why Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws protect employees from retaliation at work. If you believe that you...
Employer Retaliation
Signs of retaliatory action at work
If you have recently been fired, you will know how scary and alienating this can be. As well as being worried about where your next paycheck will come from, you may be suffering from a lack of self-esteem, and wonder why you were fired and not other co-workers. In the...
What consequences do retaliatory managers face?
If you recently reported the company you work for because you believe that they were violating the law, it is likely that you took action because you simply wanted to do the right thing. You probably never considered the possibility that taking this action would have...
What are my employee rights when serving jury duty?
If you have been summoned to serve jury duty, it is likely that you will have to fulfill your duties. However, you may worry that your income and your career prospects will be affected as a result. It is important that you understand the rights that employees have...
Proving wrongful termination in Pennsylvania
If your employment has been terminated recently, you may be shocked and upset by this, especially if you were not given a reason why. You may even wonder if you can make a wrongful termination claim based on the fact that there was no reason given. The fact that your...
Can bullying be a form of workplace retaliation?
If you have made a complaint about an event that occurred in your workplace or if you have complied with the requests of an investigation at your workplace, you will be legally protected from any type of workplace retaliation in the aftermath. This means that your...
How can I show that my firing was retaliation?
If you have recently been fired from your job in the state of Pennsylvania, it is likely that you will be feeling upset and confused. You will probably also be worried about finances since you no longer have a stable source of income. If you recently made a complaint...
Looking for signs of employer retaliation
Sometimes employees witness wrongdoing in their places of work. Many choose to do nothing for fear of jeopardizing their employment, but others decide to speak out about this wrongdoing. It is praiseworthy to step up and do the right thing when we see something wrong....
What would constitute retaliation for filing an employment law action?
If an employee files an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) complaint against his or her employer, the employee will receive legal protection from "retaliation" for filing that complaint. Retaliation in this context refers to a negative action against the...
Third-party delivery drivers for Amazon say they fear retaliation
Amazon has revolutionized the way a lot of Americans shop -- particularly through their delivery service. Unfortunately, there's a national shortage of delivery drivers. Amazon has had to farm out its deliveries just to keep up with the consumer demand. Many of those...